Riccar R20 Vibrance HEPA Media Bags (Plastic collar, 6 Pack) - RMH-6
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Genuine HEPA media bags for classic body Vibrance Models plus R Series, 4000 and 2000 series.
6-Pack of Genuine HEPA media bags fit most Vibrance, R Series, 4000 Series and 2000 Series upright models. 6 bags per pack.
- Vibrance Premium with Belt Protection (VIBPBP)
- Vibrance Commercial with Belt Protection (VIBCBP)
- Vibrance Commercial (VIBC and VIBCNT)
- Vibrance Premium (VIBP)
- Vibrance Deluxe (VIBD and VIBDL)
- Vibrance Standard (VIBS and VIBST)
- Vibrance Classic (VIBCL and R20SC)
- Vibrance Entry with Tools (VIBE and R20E)
- Vibrance Entry (VIBENT and R20ENT)
- R200, R300, R500, R600, R700 and R800 uprights.
For Vibrance R20S, R20D, R20P and R20UP models with the self-sealing bag technology, see RMH-6 HEPA Media Bags.